Beach Fitness & Performance LLC

Strength & Conditioning, Functional Fitness
Kyle Robertson

This program is designed for individuals who have limited time in the gym, but still want to get a great conditioning workout. We recommend this program for intermediate to advanced athletes who are wanting to improve and / or maintain their metabolic conditioning and performance. This program includes 4 conditioning workouts per week + 1 mobility workout. These sessions can be completed in the gym or a well equipped home gym.

Program Overview:
* 6 Week duration
* 4 Conditioning days + 1 Mobility Day per week
* 30-45min workouts
* Mobility work written by a licensed Physical Therapist
* Video demonstrations for all movements
* In app data tracking

5 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
Conditioning workouts intelligently designed for you to get the most out of each and every workout. Don't just leave the gym with a sweat, leave knowing you kicked ass and are one step closer to your goal.
Workouts designed by a licensed physical therapist and strength coach to optimize your recovery. We can only train as hard as we can recover from. That's why we found it essential to implement specific recovery days, warm ups, and cool down routines to enhance the programs efficiency.
Weekly Progressions
We take the lead in guiding you on how to progress your workouts week to week. We provide cues on where you should be for each session, so you know when to push it and when to back off.
Programming 5 days per week
Daily conditioning, and mobility training that’s accessible and challenging for athletes of any level or background
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Sweating over a lifeless PDF is so last year. Push yourself harder and track your progress all through the comfort of our app.
We recommend having access to a gym or a well equipped home gym where you are able to perform exercises in circuits.
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 6-week program


Cardio Warm up



Full Body DB Warm-Up

30 Second Goblet Squat Hold 10 Bootstrappers 5 Left/ 5 Right Single Arm Deadlift 5 Left/ 5 Right Kneeling Single Arm Press 5 Goblet Good Mornings 10 Goblet Squats 10 DB Swings to shoulder height

Conditioning Specific Warm-Up


Conditioning Specific Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 8 Front Rack Lunges 10 DB Snatch 8 Front Rack Lunges Choose a light weight to warm-up these movements with. The lunges may be walking, in place stepping forward or in place stepping back! You will hold the dumbbells on the shoulder for this workout. For the dumbbell snatch you will use only 1 dumbbell and alternate arms each rep. DB Snatch Modifications: American Kettlebell Swing

Conditioning (3 RFT)


For Time: 3 Rounds: 20 Front Rack Lunges 40 Alternating DB Snatch 20 Front Rack Lunges Rest 1 minute between each round. Choose a light enough weight so that your legs don't blow up on the first round. The lunges may be walking, in place stepping forward or in place stepping back! You will hold the dumbbells on the shoulder for this workout. For the dumbbell snatch you will use only 1 dumbbell and alternate arms each rep. DB Snatch Modifications: American Kettlebell Swing



Stretch Circuit

0:30 hold at each position - Single leg forward fold - Seated Straddle - Figure 4 - Kneeling Hip Flexor - Cobra - Child Pose



Cardio Warm up

1 x 4:00


Dynamic Warm up #1



Pull-Up / TTB Warm-Up

Pull Up Warm Up PVC Pass-Throughs - 10 Reps Band Pull-Aparts - 10 Reps Banded Lat Stretch - 30 Second Hold Each Side Shoulder Opener - 30 Second Hold Scap Pull Ups - 10 Reps

Conditioning Specific Warm-Up


Conditioning Specific Warm-Up 2 Rounds 5 Squats 5 Pull Ups 5 Push Ups 5 Sit Ups 5 Squats Make sure to warm up your strict or banded pull-ups if you will be completing kipping pull-ups during the conditioning. You may also use an ab-mat for the sit-ups.

Conditioning (4 RFT)


4 Rounds Rest 2 Min Between Rounds 20 Squats 20 Pull Ups 20 Push Ups 20 Sit Ups 20 Squats Goal: Under 4-5 min or less for each round. If it's taking longer, decrease reps to 15. For the pull ups - the best options for this workout today are strict (lower number to 5-10 if needed to keep time), kipping, banded, or bar/ring/band row. You may use an ab-mat for the sit-ups.



Stretch Circuit 2

0:30 hold at each position - Forward fold - Figure four stretch (modified) - Thread the Needle - Cobra Pose - Puppy Pose

Mobility / Stretching


Pigeon Stretch

2 x 2:00


Couch Stretch (Hip Flexors)

2 x 2:00


Hamstring Stretch

2 x 2:00


PVC Prayer Stretch

1 x 10 @ 00:10


Quadruped Wrist Stretch

1 x 1:00


Thoracic Extension w/ Foam Roller

3 x 5 @ 5



Cardio Warm up

1 x 4:00



General Barbell Warm-Up

10 Bootstrappers 5 Inchworms 10 Alternating Spiderman + Twist With Empty Barbell: 5 Slow RDLs 5 Slow Deadlifts 5 Back Squats 10 Alternating Elbow Raises 5 Strict Press 5 Push Press 5 Push Jerk 5 Front Squats

Conditioning Specific Warm-Up


Conditioning Specific Warm-Up 1 time through: 6 Box Step-Ups (3 each leg) 8 Thrusters (just the bar) 8 KB Deadlifts 8 Eye-Level KB Swings (Russian KB Swing) ..then: 4 Box Jumps 4 Thrusters (with weight you will use in workout) 8 KB/DB Swings Thruster Modifications: DB Thrusters

Conditioning (20 min AMRAP)


20 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 20 Min) 6 Box Jumps 8 Thrusters 15 KB/DB Swings Weight Recommendation (Men): 75# Thrusters, 50-55# KB/DB, 22-24" Box Weight Recommendation (Women): 55# Thrusters, 30-35# KB/DB, 18-20" Box If you think you can keep the rounds fast and almost unbroken with a heavier swing, or higher jump - go for it. Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds+Any Additional Reps Goal: 9 Rounds + Modifications: Box Jumps: Box Step-Ups, Squat Jumps Thrusters: DB Thrusters



Stretch Circuit

0:30 hold at each position - Single leg forward fold - Seated Straddle - Figure 4 - Kneeling Hip Flexor - Cobra - Child Pose

Nancy (Benchmark)


Dynamic Warm up #1



General Barbell Warm-Up

10 Bootstrappers 5 Inchworms 10 Alternating Spiderman + Twist With Empty Barbell: 5 Slow RDLs 5 Slow Deadlifts 5 Back Squats 10 Alternating Elbow Raises 5 Strict Press 5 Push Press 5 Push Jerk 5 Front Squats

Conditioning Specific Warm-Up


1 time through: 200 meter run 10 PVC Pass-Throughs 10 PVC Overhead Squats 200 meter Run 10 Air Squats 5 Overhead Squats (just the bar) 200 meter run 8 Overhead Squats (weight you will use during workout) Alternates for the run: Row: 250m (Men) / 200m (Women) Assault Bike: 12cal (Men) / 9cal (Women) OHS Modification: DB Overhead Squat




5 rounds for time 400 meter run 15 Overhead squat 95/65# Alternates for the run: Row: 500m (Men) / 400m (Women) Assault Bike: 24cal (Men) / 18cal (Women) OHS Modification: DB Overhead Squat



Long Stretch Circuit

1:30 hold at each position - Single leg forward fold - Seated Straddle - Twisted lizard - Figure four stretch (modified) - Thread the Needle - Cobra Pose - Puppy Pose

Athletic Conditioning