Train FTW

General Fitness
Cherie Chan

Welcome to KIDS FTW!

Kids FTW is intended for a youth population of all fitness levels between the ages of 5-12. It is ideal, but not limited to, a group setting where the kids can have fun with their friends. It is designed to run in a 40-minute class structure. The goal of Kids FTW is to provide your youth coaches with the best possible tools to allow kids to enjoy exercise as they age and have FUN in every class. Kids will be encouraged to give their best effort regardless of ability level and be rewarded with a game! 

Kids FTW includes; A daily warm-up, a skill/instruction element, a workout of the day, a coaches focus piece to assist with group management and equipment considerations. Celebrate the end of each class with a game from our database or choose your own to ensure kids will be excited to come back next time!

*This option allows you to place 2 workouts per week on your calendar for 16 weeks, you have access to the program for 1 year.

2 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 16-week program
Kids FTW (2days/week-16weeks): Week 1 Day 1



8 x 0:20 work/0:10 rest Mixed Tabata: Jumping jacks Burpees High knees Duck walks



Air squat Teach and practice the air squat. Pull ups Teach and practice self-assisted pull-ups. *Set up various adjustable pull-up bars. *General height of bars should be about nose height of athletes. *Mats may be used under the bars and additionally used for shorter athletes to use taller bars. *Regardless of ability, all athletes will keep their feet on the ground during the pull-up for the WOD. *More advanced athletes will use less push from the legs to do the pull-up, while novice athletes will rely heavily on the legs to pull themselves up. Push up Teach and practice push-up *Advanced athletes will maintain plank position throughout push-up, while intermediate/novice athletes will do “snakey” push-ups.



"Mini Cindy" AMRAP in 10:00 4 pull up 6 push up 8 air squat *Athletes may begin at different stations based on class size and pull-up station availability. *Praise athletes for getting their hip crease (pockets) below the knee in squats. AMRAP = As many rounds as possible



Dodgeball or coach's/kid's choice

Kids FTW (2days/week-16weeks): Week 1 Day 2



Station rotation AMRAP at a warm up pace in 4-5 minutes: Set-up 4 cones 5m apart in a square Cone 1: 5 air squat Cone 2: 10 grasshoppers Cone 3: 5 star jumps Cone 4: 10 mountain climbers *Bear crawl between stations



Shoulder press Teach and practice the press. Box jump Teach and practice jumping (no box): *Two feet take-off and landing *Arms start behind us and end in front *Land with bent knees *Who can land the quietest? *Use pre-arranged various height plates/boxes and have athletes practice jumping onto object. Use soft boxes/tires/stacked plates vs rigid boxes if possible.



AMRAP in 8:00 8 Press 10 Box jump 50ft bear crawl *Designate a specific area for presses and a specific area for box jumps outside the bear crawl area. For bear crawl, have athletes move like traffic, down one side and back on another to help minimize collision risk. Athletes may start at different stations to reduce traffic with the bear crawls. *Coach will choose box height for each athlete before workout. *No load for presses will be assigned today. *Praise straight arms at the top of the press and quiet landing on box jumps.



Pizza Delivery or coach's/kid's choice

Customer Reviews

Overall Rating

4.91 out of 5.0

159 Total Ratings

Kids FTW (2days/week-16weeks)