ON SALE FOR $149 from $299!
Introducing the ultimate online kettlebell snatch program, The Road to 100 Snatches!
Over 12 weeks, you will learn how to perform the kettlebell snatch safely and correctly. Whether you're a intermediate athlete looking to master the snatch or an advanced athlete hoping to pass a kettlebell certification with a snatch test, this program is perfect for you.
This comprehensive program includes:
~ Step-by-step instruction
~ Expert guidance and a proven method to help you reach your goal of snatching
~ Form check videos and personalized feedback every week
~ 3 training sessions/week- 1 full workout & 2 shorter sessions that can be done on their own or worked into your other programming
~ Programming culminates in achieving 100 snatches in 5 minutes!
Get ready to master the kettlebell snatch with this amazing program. Don't wait any longer - start your journey today!
Each week there are 3 training sessions. The first 2 sessions of the week focus on skills and repetition, they will be things you need to practice but not a full fledged workout and will take 15-30 minutes. You can do these shorter sessions on their own or build them into your current programming. I recommend doing them before your workouts if you plan on doing other exercise the same day. The third session is a more robust 45-60 minute workout that can usually count as your conditioning day. Around week 8 the technique sessions will take a little longer and the workout will go a little faster. Once you’re doing 100 snatches in 5 minutes the entire workout doesn’t need to be that long but it means doing a little more work on your technique days. Incorporate this into your other programming by limiting other overhead work. You will do a LOT of OH pressing, horizontal pulling and hinging, I would suggest limiting other overhead work like other presses and pull-ups unless you already had strong pull-ups. Working on snatching means committing to high volume of hinging, pulling and pressing over the week. If you had very heavy OH presses and DLs before the program, you might notice a loss in strength as you build your endurance. I suggest making sure other programming includes horizontal pushing and pressing, squatting, and unilateral leg work.
Feedback and Communication
I will send you a welcome chat, you can use that thread to send me form check videos. In the beginning of the program I'm going to ask for a few specific videos but after that it's up to you to send up to 3 per week. Film videos in portrait (vertical) format and make sure I can see the top of your arm when you're snatching! Please edit your videos so they start with the start of your movement and make sure they are less than 60 seconds each. TH doesn't allow you to upload longer videos. I will provide feedback before the monday morning of the next week but usually I provide feedback sooner. (Ex. If you submit your videos on tuesday and wednesday you will have your feedback by monday for the next week.)
Prepping for a Certification
If you’re using this program to prep for a kettlebell certification you should plan for the certification to be at the end of the 12th week or 13 weeks after you start. If you want to lead right up to the test, plan to take week 12 LIGHT and skip the final snatch test. If you're prepping for a snatch test please message me ASAP and submit early form check videos so we can get a sense of where you're at and I can offer suggestions about how to make sure you're the MOST prepared for the certification. A good check point is if you can do 100 swings in 5 minutes with one bell heavier than your test weight by week 6. When preparing for a kettlebell certification you need to understand that your other lifts and goals will take a back seat. You're building up to a really challenging snatch test as well as two solid days of kettlebell work so endurance and strenght in all your KB lifts is the main priority.
Required: 3 Kettlebells: 1x that you can press for 8+ reps (Snatch weight) 1x 5-10lbs heavier than snatch weight 1x 5-10lbs lighter than snatch weight Recommended 2 Extra Kettlebells: 1x 10-20lbs heavier than snatch weight 1x 2+ bell sizes lighter than your snatch weight for bottoms up work Liquid Chalk
Hand and Callus Care
Your hands will build up painful calluses as you build up volume with your swings and snatches. You will want to use a rough nail file or pumice stone to buff them down. I prefer to do this after a shower when they are dry and you'll want to do this every 1-2 weeks. If you don't your hands will rip open while snatching or during your certification. You can buy liquid or regular chalk to assist you on your bottoms up holds and to help hold the bell when swinging and snatching. You can also get WOD&DONE hand grips to protect you from ripping open calluses once you get to high volume snatching and for your certification weekend.
Follow along with the mobility video.
Activation Exercises
Complete 2 Sets: 15 Glute Bridges 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges L/R 20 Glute Marches 1 Arm Bar L/R - light KB **Click the Glute Bridge Video Thumbnail to see all of the videos.**
Overhead Prep
2 Rounds: 5 1/4 Get-ups - light KB 30 seconds L/R Single KB Overhead Hold- light to med KB 30s Forearm Plank 10 Goblet Dead Cleans - med KB
Strict Overhead Press
3 x 10
Single Arm Kettlebell Swing
3 x 10
Cool Down Stretching
Follow along with the video. It's comprehensive so only do the stretches that you need.
Follow along with the breathing video taking around 10 warm-up breaths and then follow along with the warm-up video. These will be the start of every workout you do with me and you can learn how to cherry pick what works best for you. **Click the 90 90 Breathing Thumbnail to see both of the videos.**
Activation Exercises
Complete 2 Sets: 15 Glute Bridges 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges L/R 20 Glute Marches 20 Dead Bugs **Click the Glute Bridge Video Thumbnail to see all of the videos.**
Ipsilateral Overhead Hold (with Marching and Contralateral)
3 x 0:30
Kettlebell Arm Bar
3 x 1
One Arm Plank
3 x 0:15
Single Kettlebell Swing Clean
3 x 5
Cool Down Stretching
Follow along with the video. It's comprehensive so only do the stretches that you need.
Follow along with the breathing video taking around 10 warm-up breaths and then follow along with the warm-up video.
Glute Bridging on Box
2 sets: 10 Glute Bridges on Box 10 Single Leg GBs on Box L/R 20x 90 90 Heel Taps- light KB Click thumbnail to see all videos.
1/4 Get-up
10, 8, 6
Ipsilateral Overhead Hold (with Marching and Contralateral)
3 x 0:30
Kettlebell Turkish Get-up
10 x 1
Single Kettlebell Push Press
3 x 5
Single Arm Dead Stop Swing
5 x 10
Emma is a kettlebell coach. She specializes in teaching women how to go from absolutely zero kettlebell skills to how to do the kettlebell snatch in just 12 weeks. Emma holds 3 kettlebell certifications including Dragon Door RKC and DV8 Fitness and has been teaching kettlebells to clients of all ages since 2016.
41, Nutritionist, Mom of 2
Verified Athlete"I thought I'd never learn to how to correctly snatch kettlebells, but I can confidently say that I am a badass now thanks to Emma and her awesome programming!"
42, Mom of 3, Reformed Over-doer
Verified Athlete"The program is amazing. I was feeling so down about my injury and about having to work out from home. I never thought I could get stronger, at a time when I was not feeling good about myself. Everything you’d expect improved…my swings, my cleans, my Turkish Get-Ups…and I even can SNATCH!!"
29, Remote Worker, Yogi
Verified Athlete"My biggest accomplishment was finally learning how to do the kettlebell swing without hurting my back. I’d watched so many people do them in the gym and was always scared. Now I not only feel confident in my form, I can swing 40lbs!"