RAMP Warm up Protocol: Raise: 2 minutes of light cardio (e.g., rower or jump rope) -then- 30 seconds each: high knees, butt kicks, and jumping jacks Activate: 2 sets Glute Bridge march: x 10 rep/legs Band Pull-Aparts: x 12 reps Banded monster walk x10 reps per direction Mobilize: 2 sets Lateral leg swings x8/side forward leg swings x8/side Thoracic Spine Rotation x5 per side Potentiate: 2 sets Rest 30 seconds between sets Bodyweight Squats x 3 reps, slow down, fast up Push-Ups: x 3 reps , slow down, fast up Jump squat x3 plyo push up x3
Front Squat
Bench Press
Strict Bodyweight Pull-Up
In this section, you'll determine your strength score, an essential metric that indicates your strength level compared to other tactical athletes. While it may not directly measure job performance, having a high strength score is certainly an advantage. Follow these steps to calculate your score: Add together your 1-rep maxes (1RMs) for the bench press, front squat, and deadlift, and write down this total. Multiply the number of strict pull-ups you achieved by 10% of your body weight, and record this result. Add the two results together and divide by your body weight to get your strength score. Use the following scale to interpret your score: Poor strength levels: Men = 5, Women = 2.75 Good strength levels: Men = 5.75, Women = 3.5 Excellent strength levels: Men = 6.5+, Women = 4.25+
Foam Rolling: -Foam roll Quadriceps (1-2 minute) -Hamstring Smash (1-2 minute) -Glute smash (1-2 minute) -foam roll Upper Back/Shoulders (1 minute) Static Stretching: -Couch stretch + reach and rotation (30 seconds per leg) -Sciatic nerve flossing (30 seconds per leg) -Cat cow (1 minute total) -Childs pose (1 minute total)
RAMP Warm up Protocol: Raise: 2 minutes of light jogging or cycling -then- 30 seconds each: lateral shuffles, carioca, and skipping Activate: 2 sets Bird Dog x 8 per leg Spanish Squats x 8 reps Shoulder Circles with Band x10 each direction Mobilize: 2 sets Leg Swings (front-to-back and side-to-side) x10 per leg per direction Down dog + cobra x10 Couch Stretch + Reach and rotation x 30 seconds per side Potentiate: 2 sets Rest 30 seconds between sets Seated Box Jumps: x 3 reps "20 inch box Medicine Ball slam: x 3 reps Running Speed skaters: x 2 per side, focusing on landing control
Broad Jump
3 x 1
5-10-5 Sprints
3 x 1
Overhead Med Ball Toss
3 x 1
Foam Rolling: -Calf smash (1-2 minute) -Hamstring Smash (1 minute) -Foam roll lats (1-2 minute total) -TFL Smash (1-2 minute total) Static Stretching: -Down dog + Cobra (1 minute) -Childs pose (1-2 minutes) -90/90 stretch (1 minute)
RAMP Warm up Protocol: Raise: 3-minutes of light jogging -then- 30 seconds each: high knees, butt kicks, and arm circles Activate: 2 sets Glute Bridge Marc: x 10 per side Monster walks x 10 steps each way Plank with Shoulder Taps: x 10 reps per side Mobilize: 2 sets walking toy soldier x5 per leg Backward Walking Lunges with Twist x12 steps Ankle Circles x10 reps per direction per ankle Potentiate: 2 sets Rest 45 seconds between sets 50-meter easy strides with a gradual increase in speed power skip back to start point
1 x 2
box step up
1 x 3:00
Foam Rolling: -Foam roll Quadriceps (1-2 minute) -Glute smash (1-2 minute) Static Stretching: -Couch Stretch + Reach and rotation (30 seconds per side) -Calf Stretch (30 seconds per side) -Cat cow (1 minute) -Tibialis anterior Stretch (30 seconds per side)
RAMP Warm up Protocol: Raise: 2 minutes of brisk jogging -then- 30 seconds each: jumping jacks, lateral shuffles, and arm circles Activate: 2 sets Banded Glute Bridge march x 10 reps Spanish squat x 8 reps Scapular Push-Ups: x 10 reps Mobilize: 2 sets Couch stretch + Reach and Rotation x30 seconds per side Thoracic Spine rotation x30 seconds per side Cat Cow x10 Potentiate: 2 sets Rest 30 seconds between sets Light Farmer’s Carry x 50 meters with light weight Bodyweight Walking Lunges x 10 reps steps jump lunge x3 per side
DB Farmer's Walk
Sandbag Bear hug carry
1 x 100
Reverse Sled Drag
1 x 250
Foam Rolling: -Glute smash (1 minute) -TFL smash (1 minute) -Foam roll lats (1 minute) Static Stretching: -90/90 with hip extension (1 minute) -Down dog + cobra (1 minute) -Childs pose (1 minute)
RAMP Warm up Protocol: Raise: 3 minutes light jogging. Activate: 2 sets Air squat x10 walking lunges x10 plank shoulder tap x20 seconds Mobilize: 2 sets forward leg swing x10/side 90/90 stretch x5/side cat cow x10 Potentiate: 2 sets of Single leg glute bridge x5/leg power skip x10
Ruck March
1 x 4
8-10 Minute Cool down Plan Foam Roll: -Calf Smash x30-45 seconds/side -hamstring smash x30-45 seconds/side -Foam roll upper back x30-45 seconds/side Stretch: -PNF Calf Stretch: Press the ball of your back foot into the ground as if trying to push the toes forward for 5-6 seconds. Relax, then gently lean forward to deepen the stretch for 10-12 seconds. Repeat twice per leg. -Hamstring PNF Stretch: Create tension by trying to push your leg back down against the resistance of the band for 5-6 seconds. Relax, then gently pull the leg towards you to increase the stretch for 10-12 seconds. Repeat twice per leg. -Shoulder PNF Stretch: Push your arm into the wall as if trying to bring it forward for 5-6 seconds. Relax, then lean slightly forward to increase the stretch for 10-12 seconds. Repeat twice per side. -Hip Flexor PNF Stretch: Contract your back leg as if trying to bring your knee forward for 5-6 seconds. Relax, then gently shift your hips forward to deepen the stretch for 10-12 seconds. Repeat twice per side.