30 Minute Functional Fitness - Nine27 Athletics

Nine27 Athletics

Functional Fitness
Jonathan Beck

A six week program focused on 30 minutes of focused effort from the moment you walk in the gym until the time you leave. Five programmed days per week, with each day containing a warm up, workout, cool down, and athlete instruction.

  • This program is great for people who have very limited time to workout.

  • The program utilizes one primary focus workout per day, bookended by quick but highly effective warm-ups and cool downs.

Programming 5 days per week
Daily warm-up, workout, and cool down to optimize your performance and results.
Detailed, expert instruction
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Delivered through TrainHeroic
We utilize the user friendly TrainHeroic application to deliver our program to your fingertips.
Barbell // Bumper Plates // Pull-up bar // Jump Rope // Rower
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 4-week program

Warm Up


8 Minutes Total - 3 Minute Bike (build in pace) - 25M But Kicks - 25M High Knees - 3 Inch Worms (w/ 2x Push ups at the bottom) - Then - 2 Rounds at your own pace: - 3 strict pull ups - 6 Dumbell strict press - 9 slow air squats



14 Minute AMRAP 10 Burpees 10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (50/35lbs) 10 Front Rack Walking Lunges (w/DB) *Focus on staying consistent on your pacing with the burpees - don't go out too hot *Scale the weight to be able to go unbroken on the DB Snatch *Hold DB at collar bone for lunges

Cool Down


5 Minutes Total Focus on bringing that heart rate back down - 2 minute casual echo/assault bike - 1 minute childs pose - 2 minute couch stretch (1 min per leg)

1. Warm Up

Warm Up


8 Minutes Total 3 Minute Jog - 20 Banded Pull Apart - 20 Banded Good Mornings - Then - 3 Rounds of: 6 Box Step Ups 8 Hang Barbell Cleans 6 Abmat Sit Ups *Stretch what is needed in time remaining



5 Rounds for Time - 10 minute cap 10 Box Jump Overs 24/20 8 Power Cleans at 115/75lbs 10 Toes To Bar *Focus on keeping box jump over form consistent and efficient *Scale for toes to bar is 15 Abmat Sit Ups

Cool Down


5 Minutes Total Focus on bringing that heart rate back down - 2 minute casual echo/assault bike - 1 minute down dog - 2 foam roller on upper/lower back

1. Warm Up

Warm Up


8 Minutes total *At a casual pace* - 3 Minute Row - 25 Air Squats - 25 Push ups - 25 Jumping Jacks



For Time (12 Minute CAP): 2K Row 30 Front Squats at 135/95lbs *Front squats come from the floor *Scale to something you can do for at least 5 reps unbroken

Cool Down


Focus on stretching out those legs! 5 Minutes total - 3 Minute relaxed bike - 2 Minute Elbow to Ankle Lunge hold (1 minute each side)

1. Warm Up

Warm Up


8 Minutes Total - 2 Minutes of Single/Double Unders with jump rope 2rds - 25M Butt Kicks - 25M Karaoke - 25M High Knees - 25M A-Skips - 25M Walking Straight Leg Toe Touch *Stretch what is needed in time remaining



15 Minutes - Run for max distance *think about your pacing on this one - what is the most optimum pace to run based upon a known metric (like your 1 mile or 5k run time) *if you don't have a metric to go off of, start off at a moderate jog and try to increase your pace every minute until you can't

Cool Down


5 Minutes Total - 2 Minutes of Seated toe touch (1 minute each leg) - 1 Minute of butter fly - 2 Minutes of foam roller on quads and calves

1. Warm Up

Warm Up


9 Minutes Total - 3 Minute Echo Bike - 12 Wall Balls - 10 Ring Rows - 12 Walking Lunges - 10 Hand Release Push ups *Stretch what is needed in time remaining



12 Minute AMRAP 25 Wall Balls at 20/14lbs 200M Run *Goal is to work on unbroken (or close to unbroken) sets on the wall balls *Find a moderately aggressive pace on the run - don't sandbag just to stay unbroken

Cool Down


5 Minutes Total - 2 minutes couch stretch (1 minute each leg) - 2 minutes pigeon (1 minute each leg) - 1 minute casual bike

Tailored coaching for you

Fitness in 30 minutes or less

Get 30 Minute Functional Fitness - Nine27 Athletics
30 Minute Functional Fitness - Nine27 Athletics