SuperHuman Physique & Performance- Phase 3 - 12 weeks

Evolution of Fitness & Performance

Bodybuilding, Obstacle Course Racing, Tactical, Tactical / Military, Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Power Sports , Functional Training, Other, Law Enforcement, Multi-sport, Strongman, Strength & Conditioning
Colin Bailey

Phase three will take you through a 12 week hypertrophy phase that will continue to incorporate extended eccentrics and introduce descending reps and eccentric pauses.

There will be 5 days of training that are divided into 2 upper body training sessions, 2 lower body training sessions and 1 conditioning session. The entire 12 week training block will be divided into four 3 week phases. The phases are as follow:

Accumulation 1 - Weeks 1-3

**Intensification 1 **- Weeks 4-6

Accumulation 2 - Weeks 7-9

**Intensification 2 **- Weeks 10-12

*Active recovery week 13

Phase three is an intermediate program and it is recommended for anyone who has been in the weight room training for at least 6 months consecutively. Phase three is interconnected with phase two and is meant to be completed 1 week after phase two.*

**It is highly recommended you can perform at least 10 bodyweight chin ups at a 40X0 Tempo before starting this phase. If unable to complete 10 bw chin-ups, begin with phase one. **

**A one week active recovery week is highly recommended between phases. **

Increase Relative Strength
Relative strength is the total amount of weight your body can lift, relative to your body weight. Improving an athletes relative strength is often considered to be more important than absolute strength in many sports and everyday activities. Athletes with a sufficiently high level of relative strength are often less fatigued and are likely more efficient at moving their body weight in space.
Gain Absolute Strength
Absolute strength is the maximum amount of force exerted, regardless of muscle or body size. Greater absolute strength can improve relative strength capabilities.
Decrease Body Fat %
You wouldn't be considered SUPERHUMAN without veins popping out of your Biceps. Learn how to maintain an athletic body fat % that is achievable year round!
Transform Your Physique!
Watch the amazing transformation take place right before your very eyes. There is no better feeling than looking back and seeing your body transform into what feels and looks like a SuperHero. Just Imagine shredding body fat while shirts stretch and form around your newly defined muscles!
Access to your coaches
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Programming 5 days per week
Daily strength, conditioning, and skill training that’s accessible and challenging for athletes of any level or background
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy
Detailed, expert instruction
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Committed Teammates
A vibrant community that will keep you pushing to unlock your best
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Your coaches and team will push you harder, know you better, and keep you going longer, all through an app.
Barbell // Dumbbells // Rack // Trap Bar // Medicine Ball // Swiss Ball // TRX // Kettlebell // Cable Machine // Bands // Adjustable Bench
Fully Equipped Gym
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 12-week program
Upper Body Session 1 - Incline Press - Accumulation - 1.1(Descending Reps) 


Incline Press - 45° - Barbell - Medium Grip

12, 10, 8, 6 @ 70, 74, 78, 83 %


Chin-Up - Medium Grip - Supinated

4 x 12 @ 0 lb


Press - Decline 30° - Dumbbell - Neutral Grip

3 x 12


Row - Inverted - TRX - Supinating

3 x 12 @ 0 lb


Triceps Extension - Flat - Low Pulley - Pronated - Wide Grip

3 x 10


Curl - Drag - Standing - EZ Bar - Wide Grip - Semi-Supinated

3 x 10

Lower Body Session 1 - Back Squat -  Accumulation - 1.2 (Descending Reps) 


Squat - Back - Barbell - Medium Stance

12, 10, 8, 6 @ 70, 74, 78, 83 %


Squat - Quad - Barbell

4 x 10


Squat - Bench - Single Leg - Dumbbell

3 x 10


Back Extension - Horizontal - Barbell - Snatch Grip

3 x 10


Pallof Press - Half Kneeling - Mid Pulley - Outside Leg in Front

3 x 6

Off Day
Upper Body Session 2 - Dip - Accumulation - 1.3 


Dip - V-Bar - Assisted - Medium Grip - Semi-Pronated

4 x 12 @ 0 lb


Pull-Up - Accentuated Eccentric Only - Medium Grip - Pronated

4 x MAX @ 0:10


Pulldown - Wide Grip - Pronated

4 x 10


Incline Press - 55° - Single Arm - Dumbbell - Neutral

3 x 10


Row - Seated - Medium Grip - Semi-Pronated

3 x 10


External Rotation - Seated on Floor - Elbow on Knee - Single Arm - Low Pulley

3 x 12


Scapula Retraction - Kneeling - Sideway - High Pulley

3 x 12

Lower Body Session 2 - Deadlift - Accumulation - 1.4 (Descending Reps) 


Deadlift - Conventional - Barbell - Medium Grip - Pronated

9, 8, 7, 6 @ 76, 78, 80, 83 %


Lunge - Reverse - Dumbbell

4 x 10


Glute Ham Raise - Knee Flexion

4 x 8


Calf Raise - Standing - KOT - Dumbbell - Single Leg

4 x 8


Woodchop - High Pulley - Standing

4 x 15

Circuit Training Session (30/60) - 32 Minutes


Prisoner Frog Jumps

4 x 30


Clean & Press

4 x 30


Split Squat Med Ball Slams

4 x 30


Kettlebell Swing - Medium Stance

4 x 30

Off Day
coach-avatar Colin Bailey

Elite Fitness Coach with over 10 years of experience working with athletes and general population. Owner and Founder of Evolution of Fitness & Performance located in Airdrie, Canada. 🇨🇦 "Anyone can make you tired, not everyone can make you better"- Martin Rooney

Your Transformation is waiting!

Take action and begin your journey to becoming SUPERHUMAN NOW!

Get SuperHuman Physique & Performance- Phase 3 - 12 weeks
What Can I expect from this phase of training?
This phase of training has a large emphasis on gaining lean muscle mass along with increasing eccentric strength. You will utilize both, extended eccentrics and eccentric pauses in this phase. Keep your nutrition under control and you can expect your lean muscle mass to go through the roof!
Who is this program for?
This program is for the intermediate to advanced trainee that wants to increase their performance both in and out of the gym, transform their physique and push themselves to becoming the best version of themselves. This program is designed to gain strength, lean muscle and improve athleticism.
Can Females use this program?
Yes, 100 %. Not only can you use this program, you can EXCEL and also become SUPERHUMAN! I recommend you also check out Strong[her] - Lean[her] - Fit[her] to take their fitness to the next level!
What level of fitness is this program for?
This is an intermediate to advanced level program. I highly recommend you have at least 12 months of consecutive training experience prior to beginning this program. If you are new to fitness, I recommend you start with phase ONE of the Superhuman Physique & Performance program.
Does this program include a meal plan?
When you sign up for the program you will receive a copy of the Evolution of Fitness & Performance Nutrition guide. This guide will break down the basics of nutrition and how to calculate and set up your very own meal plans.
Can this program be done at home?
No, this phase is designed around a fully equipped gym and It is HIGHLY recommended that you have access to a gym for this program.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Chad M.

Physical & mental transformation!

Verified Athlete

""I owe my life to Colin, and I do not make that statement lightly.""

verified-athlete-avatar Gurpreet G.

AKA- "Tree Trunks"

Verified Athlete

""I've got so much more out of my training sessions with Colin than I have just going to the gym by myself""

verified-athlete-avatar Mike L.

Over 20 lbs of muscle gained!

Verified Athlete

"I have released 18% body fat, blood pressure and cholesterol are back to normal and I’ve gained 20lbs of muscle."

SuperHuman Physique & Performance- Phase 3 - 12 weeks