Phase three will take you through a 12 week hypertrophy phase that will continue to incorporate extended eccentrics and introduce descending reps and eccentric pauses.
There will be 5 days of training that are divided into 2 upper body training sessions, 2 lower body training sessions and 1 conditioning session. The entire 12 week training block will be divided into four 3 week phases. The phases are as follow:
Accumulation 1 - Weeks 1-3
**Intensification 1 **- Weeks 4-6
Accumulation 2 - Weeks 7-9
**Intensification 2 **- Weeks 10-12
*Active recovery week 13
Phase three is an intermediate program and it is recommended for anyone who has been in the weight room training for at least 6 months consecutively. Phase three is interconnected with phase two and is meant to be completed 1 week after phase two.*
**It is highly recommended you can perform at least 10 bodyweight chin ups at a 40X0 Tempo before starting this phase. If unable to complete 10 bw chin-ups, begin with phase one. **
**A one week active recovery week is highly recommended between phases. **
Incline Press - 45° - Barbell - Medium Grip
12, 10, 8, 6 @ 70, 74, 78, 83 %
Chin-Up - Medium Grip - Supinated
4 x 12 @ 0 lb
Press - Decline 30° - Dumbbell - Neutral Grip
3 x 12
Row - Inverted - TRX - Supinating
3 x 12 @ 0 lb
Triceps Extension - Flat - Low Pulley - Pronated - Wide Grip
3 x 10
Curl - Drag - Standing - EZ Bar - Wide Grip - Semi-Supinated
3 x 10
Squat - Back - Barbell - Medium Stance
12, 10, 8, 6 @ 70, 74, 78, 83 %
Squat - Quad - Barbell
4 x 10
Squat - Bench - Single Leg - Dumbbell
3 x 10
Back Extension - Horizontal - Barbell - Snatch Grip
3 x 10
Pallof Press - Half Kneeling - Mid Pulley - Outside Leg in Front
3 x 6
Dip - V-Bar - Assisted - Medium Grip - Semi-Pronated
4 x 12 @ 0 lb
Pull-Up - Accentuated Eccentric Only - Medium Grip - Pronated
4 x MAX @ 0:10
Pulldown - Wide Grip - Pronated
4 x 10
Incline Press - 55° - Single Arm - Dumbbell - Neutral
3 x 10
Row - Seated - Medium Grip - Semi-Pronated
3 x 10
External Rotation - Seated on Floor - Elbow on Knee - Single Arm - Low Pulley
3 x 12
Scapula Retraction - Kneeling - Sideway - High Pulley
3 x 12
Deadlift - Conventional - Barbell - Medium Grip - Pronated
9, 8, 7, 6 @ 76, 78, 80, 83 %
Lunge - Reverse - Dumbbell
4 x 10
Glute Ham Raise - Knee Flexion
4 x 8
Calf Raise - Standing - KOT - Dumbbell - Single Leg
4 x 8
Woodchop - High Pulley - Standing
4 x 15
Prisoner Frog Jumps
4 x 30
Clean & Press
4 x 30
Split Squat Med Ball Slams
4 x 30
Kettlebell Swing - Medium Stance
4 x 30
Elite Fitness Coach with over 10 years of experience working with athletes and general population. Owner and Founder of Evolution of Fitness & Performance located in Airdrie, Canada. 🇨🇦 "Anyone can make you tired, not everyone can make you better"- Martin Rooney
Take action and begin your journey to becoming SUPERHUMAN NOW!
Get SuperHuman Physique & Performance- Phase 3 - 12 weeksPhysical & mental transformation!
Verified Athlete""I owe my life to Colin, and I do not make that statement lightly.""
AKA- "Tree Trunks"
Verified Athlete""I've got so much more out of my training sessions with Colin than I have just going to the gym by myself""
Over 20 lbs of muscle gained!
Verified Athlete"I have released 18% body fat, blood pressure and cholesterol are back to normal and I’ve gained 20lbs of muscle."