Core Back Immersion Program

Anabelen Aranton

Anabelen Aranton

I've got an exciting program to share with you called Core Back Immersion.

This program is specifically designed for absolute beginners who are struggling with weak and tight core muscles, poor posture, and are desperately in need of a starting point to regain strength in their core, back, and postural muscles. Not only that, but it also focuses on improving flexibility and mobility.

What makes Core Back Immersion unique is its gentle approach. We understand that starting a fitness journey can be intimidating, especially if you're feeling weak and tight. That's why our program consists of easy-to-follow along videos that combine elements of pilates, yoga, and physical therapy. You'll be guided through low-impact routines that will gradually increase in intensity as you progress.

Each week, you'll be introduced to a gentle progression of exercises that will only take up 8 to 15 minutes of your time. We believe that small steps lead to big results, and with Core Back Immersion, you'll be on your way to a healthier and more active lifestyle.

So, if you're ready to finally address your weak core, poor posture, and limited flexibility, join us in the Core Back Immersion program.

Get Out of Pain in 10 Minutes a Day
We'll focus on 1-2 areas each day and spend less than 10 minutes focusing on movements that matter, to improve your mobility and flexibility and to get you out of pain, both now and in the future.
Stop Playing Guessing Games
You'll leverage all of my experience in yoga, pilates. and mobility so you don't have to come up with a plan for yourself. Just show up, follow instructions, and feel great!
Programming 3 days per week
3 days of mobility, stability, and flexibility each week for 4 weeks. This program is designed to be used on-going and can be repeated over and over.
Demo Videos
Each day's session is filmed so you can just follow along.
Detailed, expert instruction
I'll walk you through all of the specifics so that you know exactly what to do to get the most out of each session.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
I've partnered with the best tech in training so you get the best online training experience in the world.
Yoga Mata // Foam Roller
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 4-week program
Day 1



Click the video below to follow along with today's breathing exericses: Supine 10 breaths Side-lying 10 breaths All fours 10 breaths Prone 10 breaths.

Day 2



Click the video below to follow along with today's pilates exercises: Table Top 10 reps + 10 sec hold each way Table Top hip abduction 10 reps + 10 sec hold each way

Day 3



Click the video below to follow along with today's pilates exercises: Gentle Marches x10 reps Small Leg Circles x10 each way (clockwise and counterclockwise) Medium Leg Circles x10 each way (clockwise and counterclockwise) Large Leg Circles x10 each way (clockwise and counterclockwise) Knee to chest rock side to side 5 reps

Day 4

Yoga Flow


Click the video below to follow along with today's pilates exercises: Upper Back Release Cat and Camel 8 reps Trunk Rotation 10 seconds hold or 3 deep breaths x 10 reps each side

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Let's get started!

Feel amazing in just 10 minutes a day.

Get Core Back Immersion Program
Core Back Immersion Program