Kettlebell Strength for Combat Sports: Month 2

Wildlife Strength, Performance, and Literacy

Combat Sports, Jiu Jitsu
Alcides Aleman

The focus of this program is the development of strength that will serve the fighter in their path to more efficient pinning, gripping, striking, throwing, and output of damage on the professional stage or on the mat at the last gym that offers free open mats that you have not been kicked out of yet. The pace is fast, the principles with which it is designed lean on the shoulders of titans in the world of strength and performance for sport, and the methods allow enormous freedom in regards to where you can execute each one of these sessions.

This program uses 5 pre-assessments that act as benchmarks for which to measure performance against throughout your completion of the program, and will also be tested out in a post-assessment should you choose to see the entire block through to the end of week 8.
Every protocol/movement in the training program has a personal video created for it, not a video of a guy in a three sizes too small spandex (?) shirt that is more expensive than my monthly contribution to Wikipedia executing a squat under panic-inducing lights. Years of explaining these things to people that hate training and only want to hit people as hard as possible has paid its dividends.
Malleable Training Concepts
Sessions can be completed anywhere. The majority of my MMA fighters have too many other places to be (work, gym 1, gym 2) and have to train at home in order to leverage out just a but more sleep,, as do my hobbyist jiu-jitsu athletes, and this has resulted in world class work being adapted for execution in a parking lot of an apartment complex or at a corner at Crunch Fitness. Whatever, wherever.
Fight Specific
This absolutely does not mean you’ll be wrapping your legs around the bottom of a squat rack while you expand all of your fingers against a rubber band that you had to beg the Planet Fitness manager to tie around your hand. We zero in on the physical and bioenergetic qualities that need to be polished in order to have someone grip, pin, and pull with intention and no second chances.
Programming 3 days per week
Rock solid principles, minimalist methods, measured out over the course of 3 days, ensuring that you still out the sport first while making progress.
Exercise Video Guidance
All videos created individually, done just as they should be. If modifications need to be made--slight or otherwise--it will be explained thoroughly.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Your ability to maximize violence will be delivered straight to your phone.
Light, Medium, Heavy Kettlebell Pairs // Light DB Pair (10-15lbs) // One Chain (15-20lbs)--search “powerlifting chains” on amazon or // Med Ball–4-10 Lbs is fine. // Deck of cards // One Light Band –red is usually the “light” color
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 4-week program
Week 1 Day 2

KB Strength Movement Prep


2 Rounds Elevated Bridge with Hip Flexion: 30 secs Bowler Squats: 6/side Weighted Reverse Nordic Curl (lightest DB/KB): 5 Seated Banded HS Curl: 50



End Range Joint Work: Lower

Hip Cars (make sure no other joint in the body in the moving EXCEPT your shoulder joint forward and back): 2 Minutes Per Side: As slow/controlled as possible Hips Internal Rotation (make sure you use a heavy enough dumbbell so when you push into it it doesn’t move): 2 mins at end range/side–followed by 3 reps of 10 seconds PAILS/RAILS–max effort. Copenhagen Plank with Marches: 2 sets to failure/side



Yielding FFE Oscillating Leaps: 10/side Bodyweight Vertical Jump: 10 Yielding Bounce to Split Leap: 30 seconds Light 2 Handed KB Swings: 100



Wildlife KB Strength: Lower

2 Rounds SS1: Double KB Reverse (only reverse) Lunges (1 second pause at bottom with knee hovering): 12/side (set bells down before next set) SS1: Skater Bounds Holding Light KB: Failure **2-3 minute rest** 2 Rounds SS2: Double KB Bulgarian Split Squat Failure Dropset: 8 at load, then bodyweight to failure SS2: Single Leg Squat: Failure/side **2-3 Minute Rest**





3 Rounds SS1: Heaviest Double KB/DB Farmer’s Carry: 50 Seconds SS2: Chain Raises: Failure **30 seconds rest**

Week 1 Day 4

KB Strength Movement Prep


2 Rounds Rear Delt Rows: 15/side MB Diagonal Reversals: 15/side DB Rollovers: 25 MB Jabs Laterally: 15/side Ball to Extension: 60 seconds



End Range Joint Work: Lower

Shoulder Cars (make sure no other joint in the body in the moving EXCEPT your shoulder joint forward and back): 1 Minute Per Side: As slow/controlled as possible Shoulder Internal Rotation (make sure you use a heavy enough dumbbell so when you push into it it doesn’t move): 1 min at end range/side–followed by 3 reps of 10 seconds PAILS/RAILS–max effort.



Triphasic Push-Ups: 15 (45 total)

Wildlife KB Strength: Upper


2 Rounds SS1: Double KB Push Press (Heavy Pair): 3 SS1: Chain Raises: Absolute Failure Until You Feel Like you’re Going to Drop It. **2-3 minute rest** 2 Rounds SS2: Double KB Tempo Press (medium bells–3 seconds down, explode up): 8 SS2: Banded Lat Pulldown: Failure **2-3 Minute Rest**





3 Rounds SS1: Heaviest Double KB/DB Farmer’s Carry: 50 Seconds SS2: Chain Raises: Failure **30 seconds rest**

Week 1 Day 6



2 Rounds Weighted Copenhagen Plank (10-20lb DB): :20 secs/side



End Range Joint Work: Lower

Scapular CARS: 2 Mins total Sidelying Hip CARS: 2 mins total/side Hip External Rotation PAILS/RAILS: 2 Mins at end range, then 2x10 PAILS/RAILS contractions. Shoulder External Rotation PAILS/RAILS: 2 Mins: 2 Mins at end range, then 2x10 PAILS/RAILS contractions.



3 Rounds Lateral Depth Jump: 3/side Broad Jump: 10 Lateral Depth Broad Jump (Same as earlier, but take off in a broad jump instead): 1/side

Kettlebell Strength: Day 3


3 Rounds Each SS1: Heavy Pair–Double KB Front Squat: 4,3,3,4+ SS1: Curtsy Lunge: Failure/side following squat. **2-3 Minute rest** SS2: Renegade Row (Heavy KB Pair): 4 SS2: Band Pull-apart: Failure



Death by Split Squat= 5 second hold in the bottom position, then 5 slit squats, then 10 second hold in the bottom position, then 10 split squats, then 15 second hold, then 15 split squats. Per Side. 5,10, then 15.



3 Rounds SS1: Heaviest Double KB/DB Farmer’s Carry: 50 Seconds SS2: Chain Raises: Failure **30 seconds rest**

coach-avatar Alcides Aleman

CSCS, SFG, Masters of Arts in Teaching, Black Belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Coach at Method Jiu-Jitsu.

Weaponize Practice. Created for Real Fighters.

In a few years, I have guided wrestling, football, and jiu-jitsu athletes to success on the local high school level and on the biggest stages with a 2021 Black Belt World Championship title win by focusing on what counts. Nothing guessed, nothing is pasted

Get Kettlebell Strength for Combat Sports: Month 2
why am I buying a chain?
If I could explain the value of this one chain to a person prospectively interested in increasing strength/hypertrophy, I would have done so to my just as confused football players. Good thing they chose to just follow the plan and set their own records and add layers of muscle to their backs.
What is the hardest part of the program?
Not quitting when failure is called for in the accessory following a compound movement. Things get very difficult, especially on the lower body end with the tempo-tension work.
Why is this your favorite program? I thought it was the Power one?
I am most proud of the Power program for how universally effective it is. This program acts as my greatest hits of getting strong and jacked to take down, pin, submit, and hit opponents hard. What could be better than that if you are like me (I live for this stuff and have more than a screw loose)
Kettlebell Strength for Combat Sports: Month 2